Share your compassion story

Now we want to hear from you!

Everybody has at some point in their life felt compassion – or the lack of it. Now we want to hear from you! We believe in the power of personal stories to create compassion at work, in education, and wherever people interact. Please write your story in English if possible. We value your privacy.

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Enter a title, quote or key word *

Max 30 characters.

Please share your story *

Max 4000 characters. Tips for writing a personal story.

Place of residence

E.g. Sweden


Choose from the dropdown menu.


E.g. healthcare worker. Max 30 characters.


E.g. 30 (only inputs between 18-100 are valid)


Your responses are anonymous. However, if you are interested in being interviewed further and being a part of our research on compassion, please type your email below.
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